All of the games are
great fun for anyone involved and many parts of the National Curriculum are
relevant and can be achieved whilst playing them.
Marine Creature
Equipment: lots of
Time: 15-20 minutes.
Ask the children to go
back into the small groups that they were in for beach art.
Explain about all the
creatures they have seen.
Ask them in their groups
to go away (somewhere close) and decide what creature they want to be. They have
to create their creature by combining their bodies and act out the movements and
behaviour of the animal.
You can advise / help as
they rehearse.
Then bring all the
groups back together.
Ask one group at a time
to come and perform their drama piece- acting out their creature.
The rest of the groups
have to guess what they are in the usual fashion – by putting their hands up (but they will invariably just yell it out!)
Unnatural Nature trail at
Clennon valley.
Equipment: collect
rubbish- coke cans, plastic, sweet wrappers, crisp packtes, plastic bottles, tin
cans also use pepper pots and other everyday used household objects.
Time: 15-20mins
Before the children
arrive go to Clennon valley and hide (but not too well) all the pieces that you
have collected. Hang things from branches of trees, put things in the grass or
in bushes.
Get the children into
small groups.
It is a competition for
the group to find as many of the unnatural objects as they can. They are to
write down all of the ones that they find.
This then promotes
discussion- how many thought that a coke can was natural or didn’t notice it...
talk about the pollution of waste, how animals get trapped in things and die
Bring in the idea of
recycling, ask the children how they recycle, give them a few simple ideas that
they can take away with them to encourage recycling in their home.
Scavenger Hunts
Sheets have already been
made up and these can either be used as they are or altered for specific
scavenger hunt activities. Give the children a sheet (one per group) and take
them out to the beach. They have to find as many of the objects on the list as
they can. Walk alonmg the beach with the children pointing out things of
interest such as birds, shells etc. Offer advice for some of the clues- only
when asked!!!
Marine Mobile Madness
This activity can be
used with the scavenger hunt. The children can use what they collected on the
beach to ahng off their mobiles. Otherwise material is collected beforehand from
the SCRAP store. Get lots of wool and something that can be used as the mobile
structure- you can use wood, plastic or wire hoops. Let you imagine go wild!
Seashore Jewellery
This activity can also
be done after the scavenger hunt. It is also useful to collect a lot of shells
with holes in them beforehand, and supply lots of wool / string. Let the
children design their own jewellery, adding on shells they found and anything
else. Assist the children if they ask, or just make your own!
Beach Music
Material also needs to
be collected for this, but anything can be used. A few examples are listed below.
Assist the children in
making their own instruments, then get the children to create a short musical
piece in their groups, and perform it to the whole group at the end. They can be
influenced by noises that they have hard whilst on the beach.
Who Eats Who. (food chain games).
Who’s my Mum? (Plankton games).
Animal Detectives.
...and many more!
We are always updating and developing our innovative
activities and we are willing to run them in any weather throughout the year.
Give us a call today to find out how we
can customise your trip.