Sources of SedimentThe sands that form a beach are produced through
erosion, or
the wearing away of rocks by wind and water. In some cases, the erosion takes
place far inland, where winds and water erode mountains and plains, producing
sediment grains of many sizes. Rivers carry the sediment to the coast. Waves and
water currents move the sediment along the coast, depositing some of it on
beaches. For many beaches sediment from inland is the most important source of
sand. However, beach sand may also result from erosion that occurs at the shore,
especially at bluffs, as a result of the action of wind and waves. Transport of SedimentThe shape of a beach constantly changes as sediments are eroded from or deposited along the shoreline. The main mechanisms for moving sediment along a beach are longshore drift and wind transport. Longshore DriftWaves move much sand when they break on the
shore. The
direction in which the sand is moved depends on the direction at which the waves
approach the shore. As an ocean wave approaches the shore, the size of the wave
increases until the wave breaks. When the wave breaks, its forward motion
creates a powerful surge of water, called the swash, that runs up onto the beach
carrying sediment with it. Like a ball rolling up an incline, the surging water
eventually comes to rest and reverses direction, rolling back down the beach
under the pull of gravity. This return flow, called the backwash, also carries
sediment. If waves approach a shoreline straight on, the cycles of swash and
backwash repeatedly trace the same path up and down the beach. After each cycle,
the sand is approximately back where it started. Wind TransportSwift currents of air can move sand, and this movement often
creates mounds of sand called sand dunes. A sand dune is started by an
obstruction, such as a boulder or a clump of vegetation. The obstruction blocks
the wind, creating a region of quieter air, called a wind shadow, downwind of
the obstruction. The movement of air within the wind shadow is too weak to keep
the sand grains aloft, so any windblown sand that enters the wind shadow quickly
falls to the ground. The accumulation of sand in the wind shadow forms a dune. Where Sediment Ends UpJust as the wind and the waves can bring sand to a beach, and just as they can move it along a beach, they can also remove it from a beach. Wind can blow sand inland or out to sea. Longshore drift can move sand past the end of a beach, carrying the sand into shallow water. Currents in shallow water may continue to move sand along, perhaps depositing it on the next beach down the coast. Ultimately, much of the sand on a shore is carried to the head of a submarine canyon, a steep-sided valley underwater that leads down to the deep ocean. The sand travels down the canyon's slope and accumulates on the floor of the deep ocean. Beach EquilibriumA beach may appear the same from week to week.
However, the
individual sand grains that make up the beach are not the same because the
grains are steadily transported along the shore by longshore drift and the wind.
The beach is maintained because the longshore drift or the wind supplies sand at
the updrift, or upwind, end of the beach about as rapidly as it removes sand
from the downdrift, or downwind, end. A beach may be regarded as a system, or an
assembly of individual elements (in this case, sand grains) that make up a
complex whole. A system, such as a beach, whose individual elements (sand grains)
are constantly changing while the system as a whole (the beach profile) remains
constant is said to be in dynamic equilibrium. |