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The rock pools at the seashore centre are a perfect place to see underwater
creatures. Hidden in the pools, under ledges, and in crevices, lives a huge
diversity of marine species like crabs, sea anemones, starfish, sea urchins,
molluscus that have to survive extreme conditions.
When the tides goes out they are cut off and are exposed to
changes in temperature from freezing frosts to the highest temperatures in
summer. Oxygen levels decrease during the night, as the seaweeds cannot
photosynthesize without sunlight. Freshwater reduces the amount of salt in the
The marine species need to be able
to control this because if they didn't all the water in their bodies would
flood out/in of them!
They are also affected by wave action, type of rock, and other marine species
with whom they are in competition for space, and food. Each different zone has
its own marine creatures and seaweeds living in it.
The rocky shore is divided up into zones:
Splash zone
Upper Shore
Mid Shore
Lower Shore
Each different zone has its own marine species and seaweeds
living in it. This is because each zone experiences its own problems and the
creatures there have adapted to live in it.
The Splash Zone
Harsh place for species to live
Hardly any seawater reaches here
Strong winds and salty spray cause the plants and animals
to shelter in the cliff face.
Lichen is the mostly found here; the plants have strong
roots, needle-like leaves and waxy surfaces to prevent drying out.
Animals must be able to survive out of the water, sea
slater arecommon and are nocturnal to avoid the sun.
The Upper Shore
Vigorous conditions
Species endure long exposure
Plants include channel wrack
Traps moisture by curling its edges
Animals include barnacles and limpets
The Mid Shore
Large number of species live here, due to shorter periods
of exposure
Species here have hard shells to protect against the
sun and each other!
Seaweeds include knotted wrack and bladder wrack
Animals include beadlet anemones, mussels,
topshells and periwinkles.
The Lower Shore
Exposure is for a shorter time making it a more stable
More soft bodied animals
Anemones, starfish, crabs, shrimp, fish,
sponge, sea squirts, sea hares, live here.