Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust
The mission statement of Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust
To protect land, conserve nature and strengthen the bonds between people and the
natural world of Torbay
Our primary
concern is to protect land, buildings and natural resources that are of
importance to the community of Torbay and the many visitors to the area. Our
charitable objectives provide a strong basis for this work and ensure that we
maintain this theme in all that we do. The Trust is essentially a land
management organisation and our expertise is in maintaining the environment to a
high standard.
We believe that a high
quality environment plays an essential part in the community and in raising
people's quality of life. We recognise that social and economic improvements are
often closely linked to environmental improvements and we are keen to develop
these links further.
We know that improving
people's physical and intellectual access to the natural world is an important
task for us, since it is mainly through experiencing and understanding nature
that people come to recognise the need to protect it.
Torbay has an
unusually diverse and nationally important natural environment that is
interleaved with a largely urban community and sustains a vigorous tourist
industry. We believe that the Trust has a unique opportunity, given the nature
of the land for which it cares and the community that it serves, to establish
and demonstrate a more sustainable and richer relationship between people and
their environment.
Contact us
You can contact us at: